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Material Grammar
PlaceBerlinMaterialAuxeticsSkillsInterdisciplinary research / Design development/ Prototyping / 2022
On Material Grammar Ongoing research about the programmability of auxetic materials. This project is being developed along side Dr. Lorenzo Guiducci at The Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity | MOA
“…led by discovery rather than predefinition, we have adopted a trial-and-error strategy, leaning towards geometric features that were of value for us and learning how they influence the structure to fine-tune the in-plane and out-of-plane transformation. This process has led us to designing and fabricating auxetic surfaces that can be three-dimensionally programmed, reset, and reprogrammed.
Like in biology, certain functions programmed at the cell level, can have an effect at a higher, systemic level, creating new, emergent behavior, depending on how cells are assembled together.”  


laser cut

Guiducci, L., Jalkh, H. A (re)programmable auxetic sheet for morphing applications. Talk at the CurvoBio2022, Berlin. 24 August 2022.

Guiducci, L., Jalkh, H. A (re)programmable auxetic sheet for morphing applications. Talk at the Mini-Symposia – 1- 3 – Architected Materials. National University, Galway. 5 July 2022.

Visiting Researcher Berlin 2021




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